Edited by Camera Issue - Nous sommes constamment entourés de publications diverses et variées. Mais toute parution n'est pas capable de délivrer son message de manière efficace. Les images sont mises de côté, les textes survolés, et souvent, un magazine n'est feuilleté qu'une seule fois — encore faut-il que la couverture aie retenue notre attention. Edited by appelle les directeur artistiques à re-designer les publications qui les entoure et partager leurs connaissances graphiques, typographiques, et de l'image afin d'améliorer l'univers visuel nous entourant.

Edited by Camera Issue - We are constantly surrounded by various publications. However, not every piece of printed material is able to deliver its message effectively to us. Pictures are set aside, texts are glanced through and sometimes whole magazines are only opened once ; and those are the ones that interest us. Edited by is a newspaper that calls on Art Directors to re-design a publication in which they see potential. Created to promote their work, share their thoughts and skills, this is a way for designer to improve their surrounding world.

Art Directors : Zuer Chen, Lana Choukroune, Alexis Zacchi
Newspaper and graphic design
Newspaper and graphic design
Newspaper and graphic design
Newspaper and graphic design
Newspaper and graphic design
Newspaper and graphic design
Newspaper and graphic design
Newspaper and graphic design
Newspaper and graphic design
Newspaper and graphic design
Newspaper and graphic design
Newspaper and graphic design